
台上台下CD DRAMA 灰姑娘KUSO小剧场的剧本

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灰姑娘KUSO小剧场一旁白:呃,很久很久以前,有个美丽而善良的小姑娘,名字叫温德瑞拉。她热爱舞蹈,激滚悄如同热爱生命般的热爱舞蹈。可是父亲死后,继母和两个哥哥把她赶到了柴房里,扔给了她大量的家务,取走了她所有漂亮的衣服,甚至不留一双鞋给她。她不得不放弃了最爱的舞蹈。然而,在如此悲惨的境遇下,我们的温德瑞拉依然坚强的生活着。好了,现在让我们倾听一下来自善良的温德瑞拉内心的独白吧。温德瑞拉:有时候我会想,大部分的杀人犯一定都经历过我这种心理过程。但区别在于,我挺过去了,而他们没能挺住。旁白:咳咳咳,呃总之,她的善良与坚强感动了上天,于是呢,在王子举办舞会的前夜,神的使者,来到了她的面前。观音:善哉善哉,可怜的孩子我一定助你早日脱离苦海。温德瑞拉:买花瓶的请出门右拐。观音:唷你是说什么买花瓶的?看清楚了这是插了柳条的白玉瓷瓶,I’m观音!呃明渣,咳咳,总之,我一定会实现你的愿望。孩子,祝你幸福。温德瑞拉:恩恩恩,嗯?你刚才说了什么?嗯?旁白:温德瑞拉四下寻找,仍不见观音娘娘。但是,当她低下头去的时候,发现了一套美丽的衣裙。她立刻欣喜的穿上,心想着终于能够参加这次舞会了。温德瑞拉:谁说能啊,鞋子都没有。(刷~~~ 噢!刷~~~噢!)旁白:咳,咳咳咳。总之呢,她又有了一双精美绝伦的水晶鞋。舞会当天,她一进场,王子便走向了光彩照人的她。她们跳了一支又一支,一支又一支,一支又备没一支,一支...温德瑞拉:不要再跳啦,脚好痛啊。王子:那我们休息一下。呵呵呵,话说回来,姑娘,你的舞跳得真不错啊。有如飞燕迎风,游鱼在水。温德瑞拉:呃,十二点了,对不起啦,不管是鱿鱼,鲫鱼还是金枪鱼,总之我得回去补助睡眠了。你的结果出来了,七点找我,再见。王子:什么结果,喂,还有你叫什么名字啊,喂~~~温德瑞拉:(咚~~)啊~~~~,咳咳。王子:你没摔疼吧?喂~~~旁白:温德瑞拉什么都没和王子说清楚,就消失在了王子的视野中。当差一点就陷入绝望的时候,王子在阶梯上发现了一只水晶鞋。于是,一场寻找真爱的传奇,拉开了帷幕。二温德瑞拉:哎~~~~观音:善哉善哉,莫是叹气。王子已经拿着鞋子一路找来。你到时候只要把脚往鞋子里一伸,就happy ending了不是?温德瑞拉:哎~~~~~观音:年轻人不要整天叹气,今天上午不又帮你实现了一个愿望吗?你到底还有什么不顺心的?温德瑞拉:那鞋子要是合脚的话,当初也不会跑着跑着就掉下去了吧?观音:呃,你你你的意思是说......温德瑞拉:不要装傻,鞋子是你给的,多少芝麻你自己心里清楚!观音:阿,阿弥陀佛,鞋子不会凭空消失,也,也不会凭空产生。这是这个世界的真理。温德瑞拉:哈哈哈哈~~~~,也就是说你偷了别人的鞋子给我?观音:哎呀~~你真讨厌,怎么会有这么聪明的孩子嘛?温德瑞拉:作为神仙,你的脑袋已经坏到了可以成为传说的地步。(咚咚咚~~~~咚咚咚~~~~~~)观音:嗯?别说鞋子的事情嘛,现在要验收上午的成果。大哥,二哥,后妈:哎哟~~~~~~~~~温德瑞拉:呃,这 这是 这是怎么啦?大哥:恶犬咬伤~~~~~二哥:恶猫抓伤~~~~~温德瑞拉:呃,那老妈,你你你是怎么回事?后妈:恶鸡啄伤~~~~~观音:杰作吧!温德瑞拉:善哉善哉。三(咚咚咚~~~~~~咚咚咚~~~~~~~)温德瑞拉:奇怪了,家里人明明都到齐了。谁呀?王子:寻找真爱的王子!(啪~~)王子:啊?等一下,不应该是这样的,喂,刚才的重来一次。温德瑞拉:你回去吧,那鞋子我是不可能穿得上的。王子:喂,还没试过就断言自己穿不上,要是这样可不行啊!你这人怎么就那么死心眼啊?快开门,快开门,快开门,快开门,快开门,快开门!(咚咚咚~~~~~咚咚咚~~~~~~)四王子:唉,真的呢,果然大了点。温德瑞拉:所以说,到底是谁死心眼啊?后妈:王子殿下,那鞋子,能让我试一下吗?大哥,二哥:妈,你不是吧?王子:恩。后妈:哦呵呵呵呵呵~~~~~~~~大哥,二哥:妈,你不是吧?温德瑞拉:你可没告诉我,你偷的就是我后妈的鞋。观音:呃,呵呵呵.....神仙总是讲就近原则的。后妈:王子殿下。王子:恩。后妈:你看,症状好好哦。王子:恭喜您。后妈:所以嘛。王子:这个...那个...后妈:那个嘛。王子:哪个?后妈:什么哪个,你千里迢迢拿着老娘的鞋子来找我,是为了哪个啊?王子:呃,还给你啊。(咔嚓~~~~~)王子:我想,反正寻找真爱要跑一趟,就顺便把鞋子还给它的主人嘛。呵,于是我的真爱,温德瑞拉,请跟我走吧!温德瑞拉:嗯?哈,等一下,你太跳跃了吧?现在是什么状况?王子:我在向你求婚啊。温德瑞拉:嗯哼,啊,求婚。王子:恩,求婚。温德瑞拉:恩,不是签约?王子:恩,不是签约。嘶,嘶~~~啊?签约?温德瑞拉:恩,好,那么,你等一下。(唰~~~唰~~~~)温德瑞拉:恩,这个给你。王子:呵呵,送给我的吗?呵,好高兴,好高兴,好高...好,好人卡?(轰隆~~~~~~~)二哥:啊~~~~~笨,笨,笨,笨蛋,发给王子好人卡会被杀头的啦!大哥:冷静点...是满门抄斩才对...(轰隆~~~~~~)大哥,二哥,后妈:不要啊~~~~~~王子:呵呵,连小卡片都能做得这么艺术,呵,我的温德瑞拉真是充满了才华。呵呵~~温德瑞拉:呃...什么?王子:喂,你为什么要逃啊?嫁给我有什么不好?你这个死心眼的家伙~~~~~温德瑞拉:到底谁才是死心眼的家伙啊?我都已经告诉你了,这辈子我只爱舞蹈,只爱舞蹈!旁白:咳咳~~~总之,从此,灰姑娘过着每日被王子死缠烂打幸福无比的生活。呵呵呵呵~~~~~


Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.


stepmother: Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away. And what's more,bring me my breakfast.


stepsister1: Cinderella! Get me my sweater, I feel a little cold.


stepsister2: Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I'm to be late for my date. You're so, you're always so sluggish.


Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends.


One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party.


The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderella's beauty.


Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared.


Cinderella: There's nothing left to believe in. Nothing!


Godmother: Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don't really mean that.


Cinderella: Oh, but I do.


Godmother: Nonsense, child! If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here. And here I am!Oh, come now, Dry those tears!


Cinderella: Why then, you must be...


Godmother: Your fairy godmother? Of course. Now let's see, hmm...now...the magic words.Bibbidi-boddidi-boo. Put them together and what have you got.

你传说中的教母?当然,现在让我看看。。。现在,这些魔力的话,Bibbidi-boddidi-boo。 把它们放在一起,看你得到了什么。

Cinderella: Oh, it's beautiful! It's like a dream, a wonderful dream come true.


Godmother: Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, I'm afraid this can't last forever. You'll have only till night and...


Cinderella: Midnight?Oh, thank you.


Godmother: Oh, just a minute. Remember, on the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before.


Cinderella: Oh, I understand, but...it's more than I ever hoped for.


Godmother: Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself.


At the party, Cinderella danced with the prince all the time.Time passed quickly. All of a sudden, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall. Oh, it is almost twelve o'clock-five to twelve!


Cinderella: Oh, my goodness!


Prince: What's the matter?


Cinderella: It's midnight. It's almost midnight.


Prince: Yes, so it is.But why?


Cinderella: Goodbye.


Prince: No, no,wait, you can't go now.


Cinderella: Oh, I must, please, I must.


Prince: But why?


Cinderella: goodbye.


Prince: No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don't even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait!


Cinderella: Goodbye.


The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe.Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the princel.No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two step-sisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try.


Cinderella: Please wait! May I try it on?


Stepmother: Oh, pay no attention to her.


stepsister1: It's only Cinderella!




stepsister1: She's out of her mind.


stepmother: Yes, yes. Just an imaginative child.


Duke:Of course, you can have a try, my fair lady.


Duke: Oh, no!No!This is terrible. The king! What shall I do?


Cinderella: But perhaps this would help...


Duke: No, no. Nothing can help now, nothing.


Cinderella: You see, I have the other slipper.


Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they led a happy life from then on.




旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Alice, her mother was dead, her father loved her very much.

Father: Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do you like them?

Alice: Yeah, thank you, Dad.

Father: My lovely daughter, I hope you are happy forever!

旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife.

Look, her step mother and her new sisters are coming.

Stepmother: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is!

mso-charHelen: Yes, and so many fruits. Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychee. Wow, I like them.(吃水果)

Jerry: Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress.


Alice: Oh, no, that’s my dress. It’s a new dress my father bought for me.

Jerry: Who are you? Mum, who is she?

Stepmother: She is your little sister. But it doesn’t matter. Look!

Alice, go, clean the room and then cook for us.

Alice: Why? I’m not your servant.

Stepmother: Yeah. But from now on you are our servant.

Alice and Jerry: Mum, I like her dress.(拽衣服)

Jenny:I like her necklace.(抢项链戴在脖子上)

旁白:After that, Alice had been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live, she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty, so people called her Cinderella.


Stepmother: Who is it?

Soldier: It’s me. I’m the soldier of the palace.

(打开门)Good morning, madam, this is for you and your daughters.

mso-charStepmother: What is it?(打开信看)

(欢呼)Helen, Jerry, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. The prince will select a queen among the young girls.

mso-charTwo daughters: Hooray! I’ll be the queen!

mso-charStepmother: Come on, daughters. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up!

mso-charAlice: Mum, I want to go ,too.

mso-charThree: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly.

mso-charStepmother: Daughters, are you ready? Let’s go.

mso-charAlice: Oh, my friends. I really want to go. What shall I do?

mso-charCat, Peagion, Dog: Don’t be so sad, Alice. At least, we are with you.

mso-charFairy: Poor girl, let me help you.

mso-charAnimals: Wow, how beautiful!

mso-charCat: You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen.

mso-charDog: Yes! You will be the most beautiful girl in the party!

mso-charPeagion: Yes! And the prince will love you at once!

mso-charFairy: Alice, go to the party and dance. But remember you

150%; TEXT-INDENT: 48pt; mso-char-indent-count: 4.0; mso-char-indent-size: 12.0pt>must come back before 12 o’clock. Or you will

150%; TEXT-INDENT: 48pt; mso-char-indent-count: 4.0; mso-char-indent-size: 12.0pt>change back.

Alice: Thank you , Fairy.(跑)

Fairy: (喊)Be careful! Don’t forget the time!

Alice: I won’t forget.


mso-charMinister1: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prince dancing ball. This night, our prince will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen .Now, young girls, come to the front,please!

Minister2:How are they?Which one do you like?

Prince: No, I don’t like anyone.

(Alice come in)

Ministers: Wow, how beautiful!

(She’s like a fairy. She’s like a Angel. She’s so lovely. She’s like a princess. How pretty the girl is!)

Prince: Pretty princess, may I dance with you?

Alice: I’d like to.

(music and dance)

(one person pick up a clock)

Alice: Oh, it’s time to go back. I must go now.

Prince: Wait, princess, wait!


Prince: (拿起鞋)Pretty princess!Why are you leaving? I must find you!


Soldiers: Yes!

Prince: Take the shoe to every house. You must find the girl for me.

Soldiers: Yes, your highnesss!



Stepmother: What’s the matter, soldiers?

Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam?

Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace.

Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her.

Helen: Let me try.The shoe is mine.

Soldier1: No,it’s not yours. It’s too small for you.

Jenny: It’s mine. Let me try it.

Soldier2: No, it’s not yours, it’s too small for you.

Stepmother: Hi, come on, maybe it’s mine. Let me try it.

mso-charSoldier3:Oh, my god, it couldn’t be yours. Do you have another daughter?

Alice: Hello, gentlemen, may I try it?

Stepmother :You? Go away!

Helen: Look at yourself!

Jenny: So dirty and so ugly!

mso-charHead Soldier: No, ladies, let her try! Come, little girl, try it on,please!

mso-charAlice: Thank you! (试鞋)

mso-charSoldiers: Wonderful! It’s yours! It fits for you very well!

mso-charSoldier1:(Call prince)5535240

mso-charPrince: Hello, this is prince speaking!

mso-charSoldier1: Good news, your highnesss! We have found the

beautiful girl.

mso-charPrince: Really? That’s wonderfull! I’ll come at once.

mso-charFairy: My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you the

1last time.(变美丽)

mso-charPrince: Oh, my deariest princess, I love you, go with me and be my queen, OK?

mso-charAlice: OK!

mso-charStepmother and sisters: How did it happen?(昏倒)

mso-char旁白:The story finished. Alice found her happiness. Alice and

the prince lived happily ever after! And that brings us to the end of the play.

