

来源:www.dzjyhj.com   时间:2023-04-06 18:01   点击:106  编辑:admin   手机版


最美王妃Grace Kelly( 格蕾丝・凯利) ,从影后到摩纳哥王妃,仿佛是童话故事的化身。爱马仕的Kelly bag就是由她的名字命名,Grace Kelly至今仍被视为 时尚 指标。除了穿衣品味备受喜欢,Grace Kelly的美容秘诀也值得学习,包含妆容、发型、保养、瘦段宏禅身各方面,有趣的是嫁入王室的Grace Kelly不像以往当明星时有专业的化妆师,日常妆发都是自己完成的。

Grace Kelly 20个美容秘诀一次揭露。

Grace Kelly在画腮红时,会选择两种不同颜色叠擦,先用深色、冷色调的腮红,刷在颧骨下方的位置,让脸型更深邃、立体,接着选择带光泽的粉色系,刷在苹果肌的地方,打造澎润感,让妆容更精致。

红唇是Grace Kelly在公开亮相时最常擦的口红颜色,有时会选择带点樱桃红的红色,而且是滋润型的质地,让双唇可以有天鹅绒般的光泽。

Grace Kelly认为眉毛的形状非常重要,她喜欢自然的妆感,微微拱形的形状,眉峰高、眉尾细长让人看起来有自信、有精神。这个眉型在2020年又开始流行,Grace Kelly完全是 时尚 先驱。

眼妆方面,Grace Kelly喜欢带有紫罗兰的灰色系或是浅米色,淡淡的上在眼折处,让眼妆保持干净,同时加强一些深邃感,自然的眼影可以和立体深色的眉毛形成对比。

Grace Kelly会刷上睫毛膏,让眼睛更有神,她喜欢防水、卷翘类型的,让眼妆呈现自然深邃感。


Grace Kelly也非常注重手部保养,因为她认为手的肌肤老化比握尘较快,不只要滋润保湿,也不要忘记涂防晒绝和。

Grace Kelly洗脸时采用30次泼水疗法,先将清洁肥皂泡在水中,接着清洁脸部,之后用泡过肥皂的美容水泼在脸上20次,接着用干净的清水再泼10次。这个方法可深层洁净肌肤,增强肌肤后续对保养品的吸收力。

1956年Grace Kelly与摩纳哥王子举行世纪婚礼,为了纪念这个特殊的日子,在婚礼当天订制了一款香调Creed Fleurissimo,带有佛手柑、鸢尾花、保加利亚玫瑰的香味。

Grace Kelly穿上设计师Helen Rose的婚纱,并没有戴上王冠,而是将头发盘起,将头纱固定在蕾丝头纱上,头饰上嵌有珍珠与橙色花环。这款简约优雅的新娘发型,成为后来流行的经典婚礼发型之一。

明星出身的Grace Kelly拥有纤细姣好的身材,平时喜欢游泳,也会带着小孩一起游泳。

瑜珈也是Grace Kelly喜欢的运动之ㄧ。

Grace Kelly从小在艺术的熏陶下成长,学习芭蕾舞和钢琴。


在吃完早餐后到中午吃饭前,她会随身带着 健康 天然小零食随时补充,如胡萝卜棒、芹菜棒、杏仁干。

Grace Kelly会尽量避免白面包、米饭等精致淀粉,选择全麦食物,她最喜欢的是全麦面包沙拉三明治。


Grace Kelly大部份饮食都以全谷类和蔬菜为主,很少吃鱼和肉,其他的餐点都会选择清淡的,减少调味的食物。

Grace Kelly会确认自己每天喝大量的水,此外也会喝脱脂牛奶和绿茶,私下也不喝酒,避免过多不必要的热量。

为了保持身材和肌肤,Grace Kelly会尽量避免甜食,但她偶尔也会沉迷于茶和饼干,适时鼓励放松自己。

Grace Kelly 歌词

歌曲名:Grace Kelly


I wanna talk to you.

The last time we talked

Mr. Smith

you reduced me to tears.

I promise you that wont happen again!

Do I attract you?

Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?

Am I too dirty?

Am I too flirty?

I could be wholesome

I could be loathsome

I guess Im a little bit shy

Why dont you like me?

Why dont you like me without making me try?

I tried to be like Grace Kelly

But all her looks were too sad

So I tried a little Freddie

Ive gone identity mad!

I could be brown I could be blue

I could be violet sky

I could be hurtful I could be purple

I could be anything you like

Gotta be green Gotta be mean

Gotta be everything more

Why dont you like me? Why dont you like me?

Why dont you walk out the door!

Getting angry doesn\'t solve anything.

How can I help it How can I help it

How can I help what you think?

Hello my baby Hello my baby

Putting my life on the brink

Why dont you like me Why dont you like me

Why dont you like yourself?

Should I bend over?

Should I look older just to be put on your shelf?

I tried to be like Grace Kelly

But all her looks were too sad

So I tried a little Freddie

Ive gone identity mad!

I could be brown I could be blue

I could be violet sky

I could be hurtful I could be purple

I could be anything you like

Gotta be green Gotta be mean

Gotta be everything more

Why dont you like me? Why dont you like me?

Walk out the door!

Say what you want to satisfy yourself

But you only want what everybody else says you should want

you want

I could be brown I could be blue

I could be violet sky

I could be hurtful I could be purple

I could be anything you like

Gotta be green Gotta be mean

Gotta be everything more

Walk out the door!

I could be brown I could be blue

I could be violet sky

I could be hurtful I could be purple

I could be anything you like

Gotta be green Gotta be mean

Gotta be everything more

Why dont you like me? Why dont you like me?

Why dont you like me? Why dont you like me?

Walk out the door!



We\'re Leaving


